Christophe Plantin



Master Rare Book and Digital Humanities at the University of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.

Director of the master: Rudy Chaulet  

Creator of the website: Johanna Saadoune


Saadoune, J. (2022). Christophe Plantin et l’édition du missel tridentin (1567-1576) [Master’s degree thesis]. University of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. Supervisor: Professor emeritus Rudy Chaulet.


Venetian school. (s. d.). The Council of Trent [Oil painting]. Louvre Museum, Paris, France.

All the other photographs present on the website are personal and were taken in the Plantin-Moretus Museum of Antwerp as part of a university program’s internship.

Tools for the construction of the digital object

Internet Archive
Timeline Knightlab


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  • You must assign the material used
  • You must mention the URL source
  • You cannot use it for commercial purposes


All materials present in the Christophe Plantin website is not under the Creative Common License, like academic publications that are mentioned with footnotes. Rights are granted to the authors. Only the coding text within the viewer under OpenCode can be reused without any conditions or permissions.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License